Polaris Business Solutions

2022 R2: Tracking Project Progress by Unit

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Before the release of Acumatica’s newest version, users of the construction edition did not have the ability to track a project by units used or installed. With the release of 2022 R2, construction edition users will be able to capture project activities on a unit level and track project progress through a new document: a progress worksheet. There have also been changes to the daily field report that affect the tracking of project productivity.


Acumatica 2022 R1 New Feature: Improvements to Project Quoting

In the new release of Acumatica 2022 R1, the system has enhanced the project quoting functionality. The steps to create a project quote have been minimized and users now have the availability to create quotes for multiple related customers. The Projects Quotes (PM304500) screen has been enhanced for a better experience.


Acumatica vs. Dynamics SL : Project Allocations

Microsoft Dynamics SL has always had a strong reputation for project accounting going back to the Smith, Dennis and Gaylord (SDG) days. One area that was always a differentiator was the Allocator module. With the Allocator module users are able to calculate and post new transactions to post to the GL and to the project. These transactions may apply indirect costs, like fringe and overhead, calculate fees and revenue or create asset entries to WIP, CIP or Unbilled A/R.

So how does Acumatica’s functionality compare to Dynamics SL’s for project allocations? We take a look at some areas below:


Microsoft Dynamics SL 2015 CU1 Released

Microsoft recently released Dynamics SL 2015 CU 1 and we have highlighted some of the points that Project users would find interesting.

CU (Cumulative Update) is the new name for Feature Packs/Service Packs.  It includes some fixes to the Contract Management, Flexible Billings, Project Allocator, Project Budgeting and Project Controller modules.  Support for SQL Server 2012 SP 2 is now available.  Pre- and Post-Processes used when running reports have all been converted to Stored Procedures which will allow for them to run in both the rich client and in Web Apps. […]