Polaris Business Solutions

Acumatica CRM Module

Acumatica CRM is fully embedded into Acumatica’s financial modules. Here are some key features and functionalities typically associated with Acumatica’s CRM module:

  • Contact Management: Acumatica CRM allows you to store and manage detailed information about your contacts, including customers, leads, and prospects. This information can include contact details, communication history, and relevant notes.
  • Sales Automation: You can use Acumatica CRM to automate various aspects of the sales process, such as lead assignment, opportunity management, and sales forecasting. It helps streamline your sales efforts and provides visibility into the sales pipeline.
  • Marketing Campaigns: The CRM module enables you to plan, execute, and track marketing campaigns. You can segment your customer and prospect lists, send email campaigns, and analyze campaign performance to improve your marketing strategies.
  • Customer Support and Service: Acumatica CRM often includes features for managing customer support and service requests. This can involve case management to assist customer service teams in providing timely and effective support.
  • Integration: Acumatica’s CRM module is designed to seamlessly integrate with other modules within the Acumatica ERP system, such as financials, inventory management, and order processing. This integration ensures that data is shared across your organization, reducing redundancy and improving efficiency.
  • Mobile Access: Many modern CRM solutions, including Acumatica, offer mobile apps or mobile-friendly interfaces, allowing your sales and support teams to access CRM data and perform tasks while on the go.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Acumatica CRM typically provides reporting and analytics tools that allow you to track and measure various aspects of your customer interactions, sales performance, and marketing campaigns.
  • Customization: Acumatica CRM is often highly customizable, allowing businesses to tailor the system to their specific needs. You can create custom fields, workflows, and forms to match your unique business processes.
  • Security: Data security is a critical aspect of CRM systems. Acumatica typically offers security features, role-based access controls, and data encryption to protect sensitive customer information.
  • Scalability: Acumatica is designed to scale with your business as it grows, making it suitable for both small and large enterprises.


Is your business interested in a fully integrated customer relationship management system? Please reach out to Polaris Business Solutions for more information; info@polaris-business.com. We would love to show you a full demo of Acumatica and how the modules are fully integrated.

Choosing the right ERP: Getting started

How to Choose the Right ERP

When it comes to choosing software that is going to completely change the way you run your business, you have to know what your business needs. You also have to know the budget for changing to new software and decide whether you want something that can be accessed from the cloud, anywhere, or on a local server that connects to your computer. Just these few questions can make the process seem very daunting.


Acumatica 2022 R1: Release Feature Overview

With the turn of a new year, Acumatica will be releasing new product features in its 2022R1 release. Acumatica’s new release is focused on working smart on the go, global capabilities, and leading the industry. Below is an overview of some of the features that will be included for the Acumatica platform and the mobile app:


Acumatica Licensing


When you are looking for a new ERP system there are multiple factors at play; licensing is one of them. Acumatica Licensing is broken down piece by piece which helps tailor everything to a company’s specific need. Product editions are broken down by company size and industry specifics. Whether you are a small business in need of the Construction Edition or an Enterprise company in need of the General Business edition, Acumatica has you covered.


Acumatica 2021 R2 New Feature Review: Business Events and Notification Templates for CRM


New CRM Business Events have been delivered with Acumatica 2021 R2 that can alert users to changes in leads, contacts, accounts, or cases. These pre-defined templates in business events and notification templates mean you would not need to have a user with customizer rights to create them from scratch.

Now a System Administrator can simply activate the business event by checking the “Active” check box on the Business Events (SM302050) form. Email notifications have also been created and the related emails could include one record or multiple reports.

Some notifications will be sent on record change and some will be sent by a schedule. A system administrator will still need to create the schedule to turn on those Business Events.

Notifications can also be sent to a mobile device assuming the appropriate license is activated in Acumatica and the user is accepting Push Notifications.

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Acumatica vs Dynamics SL: CRM

Businesses using an ERP (Enterprise Resource Program) and CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software are often frustrated as they are more often than not – two separate software packages. CRM is handling the customer interactions on the front end and an ERP handling all the back end business processes. So, to get a complete view of your customer most companies need to build an integration between the two software packages. This is certainly true if your ERP is Dynamics SL – there is no native CRM package. So, how does Acumatica handle this?


Acumatica 2017 R2 – Our Vote For The Top Five New Features

This month, Acumatica released the latest version of their award-winning ERP software.  Acumatica 2017 R2 comes with a host of new features and we have highlighted the five we find most interesting.


Acumatica 6 to Include Outlook Add-In

Acumatica’s Customer Management (CRM) suite has always been able to provide users with a complete view of their business.  As part of a full suite of integrated business management applications (ERP), users can easily share information between marketing, sales, service and finance because the data all exists in one database.  With the upcoming release Acumatica CRM has just gotten even better.


Acumatica Releases Version 5.3

Acumatica unveiled the newest version of their cloud-based accounting and ERP software at their annual Summit for partner and customers.  The new features in Acumatica 5.3 is focused on increasing the performance, stability and mobility of Acumatica 5.0, a full ERP suite that includes financials, distribution, account and CRM.
